How to get a media player online

Last updated Feb 5, 2021 @ 16:02

So you’re having trouble with an offline Media player? You’ve come to the right place. Let’s do this step by step.

Important: First, we need to distinguish between the device itself and the network it’s trying to connect to. We can help you use the Media player device and getting it connected, but if your location has a faulty network or bad Wi-Fi coverage … that’s out of our reach. Sorry. If this is the case, you need to speak to the person responsible at your location.

Now let’s get started!

Find the device in question

 The Media players are designed to pretend everything is fine at all times, even when they are offline. This means that to even notice it’s offline you’ll have to be notified by us or discover in some other way. Let’s say you were expecting a special ad during a campaign, but it never seem to arrive on your screens. That is a red flag. If you see an ad for Windows 8 after Windows 10 is out, that’s also a red flag. When that happens, you can either contact us to confirm that there’s a problem, or just get right to work.

So you know that there’s a problem, and the “offline screen” tells you where the problem is. Start searching for a box that looks like one of these

If there’s no obvious place for it to be, trace the HDMI cable(s) to the actual player.

Determine the device model 

You found the media player? Great. There is a sticker on the underside stating the model number. If it’s hard to reach or see for some reason, compare and click the correct device of the pictures below.
