Wouldn’t you want to work at a place where you can excel at your craft, grow, and dive deep but be driven by all the fun you’re having being a vital part of a team? That’s what it’s like working at Laud Media. Sure, we make dressed-up products for serious businesses, but we do it wearing a hoodie and a smile.
When you come to work, you also come to play.
While we’re not big on fancy value statements with lofty promises, we are big on caring for each other with both feet firmly on the ground. Working here, you’re not a tool or a mean to someone else’s end. You’re a human, and you’ll fast become a friend - trusted and influential. No matter what your title is or in what department you’re in, everyone here knows they can’t get anywhere alone. This means that when we succeed, together, you’ll know your part in it made all the difference.
Informal 🍩
Professional 👔
Respectful 🥰
Playful 🐒
Caring 🫂
Nerdy 🤓
Come for the job, stay for the people. If you've ever met us, you can tell we look after each other..
Even our employees are modular and scalable. We'd love to see you grow and learn new tricks.
Why so serious? Does being professional mean wearing leather shoes and a straight face? We don't buy it.
Professional development opportunities
Flexible work arrangements
Out of Office
Holistic programs for well-being
Healthy work/life balance